Sunday, December 7, 2014


My heart is so small,yet you put such big sorrows in it. "look" he said,your eyes are much smaller,yet they behold the world.

Monday, December 1, 2014

cough cough

wow,restarting this blog is like finding an animal carcass  in the woods and trying to give it cpr.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tong Hua- Guan Ling

A blast from the past..Suddenly remembered this song.used to be played sooo much during the drives to school,that by the end of the year.i memorized good though..

Hello old friend?

Well hello there old friend,how's it hanging?..i know it's been ages since i last wrote.i do hope you forgive me for that..My days have been crazy if you want to know..The moment i get up it's a's like I'm static and everything else is either just whizzing past me,or is cruelly spinning around me..I get up i go to class,i go to the hospital and i go to's like that 6 days of the week,i really don't have that much time to myself..Each day i wake up,i like this place less and less.imagine 3 more years here.might as well invest in a shotgun and and blow my brains out..

To tell you the truth,i have no friends,save for one or two people who actually matter..everyone has their own clique,and i have little next to no intention of meeting new people.. I've met the people i wanted to meet,so people i meet now,is either there to screw me over,or to get in my face, to put it lightly.. I've been down with fever for the past 3 days..after general medicine posting,something as mundane as a simple fever can bring about fears of impending doom..but hope things work out..anyway,that's that..i gotta go old pal.till next time.hopefully not too long..see you soon..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Homecoming

So it's been like 3 weeks of school so,i've never felt this alone ever..Everything's a blur.i go to school,go to the hospital,and end the day with practicals..and sadly,i realized i function best by being alone..i don't know.but as radical as it may sound,human contact interests me the least here..everyone has their own clique,if you may..they don't feel the need to include a new member.and i don't feel the need to join them..all i ever think about is going home to every day.all i think about is home..the people there,the sights the's just 2 weeks,and i'm already sick of everything here..I don't know,but i guess this time the urge to go back,is much stronger i presume.for certain reasons..i don't know.bye.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Medicine posting,y u so drab.

Oh wow,had to blow the dust of the blog for a bit there..but anyway,I'm back in India..the thirst for knowledge,somewhat hastened my departure..Not.i still dislike India a lot..I only came here early cuz class started last week.back to the grind.same faces,same kind of people.doing the same ol same ol.but yeah,hospital postings sucks..general medicine..which focuses on adult care.mainly involves internal organs though.kidneys,lungs,heart.etc..doctors in this field don't operate.they just diagnose and tell you whats up or down,with your

But yeah.we don't do much.sit around the patients watch,and leave.maybe now and then a doctor or post graduate might show up,to explain shit and stuff..then we leave..that's the best part of the day.after medicine posting,comes OBG, obstetrics and gynecology..then times ahead yo.. =.=* far it's not that bad.i need to get books..i survived two days with just  some pieces of paper and a pen..way to be a star yeah,that's about it..a patient called  me a goat,cuz i was sporting a goatee..i wanted to be like,wow thanks a lot.have fun layin in your bed all day and getting better from your renal damage..but i bit my tongue instead..blah.that's about it.bye..

Thursday, August 11, 2011

So whats up?

Well the usual..the blog seems to be breathing it's last.i for the life of me can't think of anything to post.since twitter came along..twitter is fun to post crap up and see what people think or not think about's all right.In  a way which i couldn't be emphatic about..So whatever...your feelings are rather invalid right about now.but before that..I smell my eminent return to crapslavia..damn this is so freakin depressing.after the whale of fun i've had here..with friends..with that certain person,you know who you are.:)..heck,even with those dumb dogs,who find it more appealing to leave the house they are supposed to protect and wander the woods..sigh..I'll miss the sights and sounds of this place.I can't wait to be done with studies,and just return permanently..well what can i do.3 years plus for that now.last week was spent with close i'm gonna miss ya'll..anyway,enough of moping around and what not.this disparity aint bringing back the yeah enjoy,